Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Welcome to Cambodia and our village .

Children in need
  This  is  about  the country side of  Cambodia  and future of our kids. We are 
  desperately searching  for  sponsors to help  the  kids  who  live in this  village. 
  This  country side is too far from  Phnom Penh  and  receives no Government
  support. Please help us as below mention:  
  Books,   Water  Filters,   Build New  Toilets  &  Wells,   Generators,  Gate,  
  Tables, Library and School.       
   This  school  in  Takeo ProvinceIt's  in Kbal Po Village, Sambo  Commune, 
   Trang  District. It is 78 Km  from  Phnom Penh  to our  village, take about 2 hours 
   drive by car to get there. 
   This  is  a  very  poor  village. There  are  342  Families  with  a population  
   of 1662 P. There are 350 kids  studying in the school but  there are only  two 
       With  so  many students and limited class rooms the children split between 
   morning  and  afternoon  sessions, but it's still not enough for them. They can  
   study if come early morning but if  they come late they have to go back home
   and  wait  for  another  days. Many families  are  so poor they cannot  attend.  
   There  simply  is  not  enough  money  to  send  them to school so these poor 
   children receive no education.

   Thanks in advance !
   Please contact direct to the address as below: 
     Name : Phana Ngeth (Mr.)
     Email : phana_ngeth@yahoo.com
     Tel:  +(855) 93 89 59 59